Wednesday, September 19, 2012

ALERT! I'm missing!

Well, hello there.  Have you wondered where I've been???

I have.

Where did I go in the last month?

Let's just say - school began.  Period.

Those of you who are teachers know exactly what I mean.  August rolls around ... the hallowed halls of the grand institutions of learning bustle once again ... and teachers disappear into the black hole that is "work."  Their friends wonder where they have gone ... families ask why there are piles of paper everywhere but mom is no where to be found ... oh wait, did that pile of paper move???

Yep.  That's how I feel.  Like I've disappeared.  My school year has been incredibly busy thus far.  New standards, new books, curriculum changes, higher expectations, more requirements.  It seems as though I am a first year teacher again when in reality this is my ninth year.  I thought it would get easier ... I thought I would feel like a pro by now!  Well, okay, maybe on my way to being a semi-pro ... but let's just face it -- no matter how many years you've been teaching or doing whatever it is you may do, there is always room for improvement, advancement, sharpening of skills, learning new skills, and tweaking what may seem to work adequately.

But as I pondered how much time I've had to put into my school life in the last month, I've realized that I've failed to put a sufficient amount of effort in my spiritual life.  I've gone missing.

Now don't get me wrong ... I still attend church every Sunday and Wednesday, I still pray, I still read my Bible.  But has some of that, especially my study of the Word, slipped into the back seat because I've let my work (and resulting "busy-ness") take over lately?  Yes, it has.  Is it okay?  No, it's not.

I'm tired, mentally and physically.  I'm fighting off a cold.  I feel overwhelmed with all I need to do.  I get frustrated more and quite easily at times.

Are these symptoms of a crazy month at work?  I venture to answer with a resounding "NO."

These are symptoms of trying to go it alone.  Hear me out -- God is always with me.  He walks with me each step of my day.  He knows I have a lot on my shoulders.  He knows I can't do it all alone.  So why doesn't he just help me out with some of this?  Because I keep telling Him, not out loud but in my actions and attitudes, that I can handle it.

When I fail to start my day in His Word ... when I think "I'm just too tired to get on my knees and pray, I'll pray while I'm laying down to sleep" ... when I hear Him speak to me and then I say "I'll have to explore that later, there is something else I must do now" ... all of those thoughts and attitudes are me trying to do it all alone.  Now here's the amazing thing -- I KNOW BETTER!  How so?

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." (Matthew 11:28)

Jesus didn't say, "Go get all your work done, then come to me and I will give you rest."  No.  He said "Come."  Are you tired?  Weak?  Weary?  Heavy laden?  Burdened?  Overwhelmed?  Frustrated?  Sick?  Then just go to Jesus, for He says "come"  with all those troubles, and He "will give you rest."  Not He might give you or He may try to give you ... He WILL give you rest.

How will He do that?  Well, you have to follow the directions:  "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:29)  Read His word.  Soak it in.  Meditate on it.  Don't give up the daily absorption of spiritual food.  Put on the yoke of Christ and learn from Him.  Follow Him.  Study His teachings and realize that He doesn't add more burden --He lightens your load, giving your soul rest!

It doesn't get much deeper than the soul.  And Jesus promises rest ... for my soul.  I may still be physically tired at the end of the day, but when my SOUL is at rest, all is well.  When I am sharing in the yoke of Christ my burdens are carried by the One who is able.  I find gentleness in Him.  I learn how to be more like Him in my daily life.  I discover how a humble attitude, like His, is strength for my spirit.  And I just happen to believe when we give God the first fruits of our day, just like with our tithe, He multiplies our time and we will have the chance for physical rest too.  I praise Him now for providing that to me already this week as a work commitment I had was cancelled and I was freed to go home and rest.  Thank you Lord!

Have you gone missing?  Do you need to find yourself under the yoke of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and out from under the yoke of a job?  If so, I pray that you, like me, will find yourself and take your tired bones immediately to the feet of the One who is waiting on you to just "come" and "find rest."